Do You Already Have Evolved in this Life? ~ theater of dreams

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Do You Already Have Evolved in this Life?

A young man stopped a taxi in the street and immediately climbed into the backseat.

After the door closed, the driver asked, "Where are you going sir?" "I do not know?" the young man replied calmly. 

"Then I have to do?" asked the driver. "It's up to you, which is important I pay, replied the youth.
What happens next?

Driver only just spinning, spinning round continues until finally the driver fatigue and do not know the direction. After hours of spinning, the driver finally returned to the youth rose, and silent for a long time. Argo is still running. Then the young man out and pay the entire cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars to be in the place of origin?

The young man spent time and money without moving anywhere.

Who is the young man?

The young man is a picture of us who do not have a purpose in life? If we do not have a purpose in life, and make the journey of life,
then it is probable that we returned to that direction only.
Many people who felt it had a purpose in life. But actually there in that way only.

Since our little school. Every year the goal attempt to the next grade so he could attend school. Then learn more, so the next grade and can continue their education. Then go to college and so on.

When asked to what school, then the answer "in order to find work," It's that simple huh?
Then asked what the purpose of employment. The answer so I can eat. It's that simple huh?
Then have children, children sent to school, the goal in order to work, I'll be able to eat. And so on.
Apparently they go through life, but there is no value added. That's it.

If life is only to be able to eat or survival (surviving), and all the things done in life just to be able to eat or survive, then what is the difference between humans and animals?

Hopefully we are not including people who live just to live.
Hopefully we are not including people who live just spinning so-so alone, because there is no clear objective would be brought where we live.
Hopefully we do not include people who fill his life with the vanity?


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