Are you always positive in your failure? ~ theater of dreams

Friday, March 11, 2011

Are you always positive in your failure?

Everyone must have failed. So what differentiates successful people who do not? Successful people are those who can take as much as possible the positive side of a failure. Successful people see obstacles as challenges, which can strengthen their identity. Thomas Alva Edison considers thousands of trials they experienced only as a process, not a failure. Likewise, Abraham Lincoln, Michael Jordan, etc..

"Failure does not mean God has abandoned you. He has a better plan."  

Dr. Robert Schuller 
"If one thing fails despite carefully planned, carefully organized, and implemented with full awareness, a failure that often shows something that is not visible, namely the opportunity."  

Peter Drucker
"I never failed a test, I just found 100 ways that one."  

Benjamin Franklin
Sometimes fail to provide something better In some cases, even failure to actually provide better results. See the story of Christopher Columbus, Spanish explorers who sailed the oceans to India turned out to stray into the United States. From Europe's failure to recognize this fact and created a new continent a new history whose influence we feel today.
Perhaps the story of Frank Slazak This will give you inspiration:  

Frank Slazak have a dream to fly into space. But he did not have what it takes. He has no degree, and not a pilot. However, nothing happened. White House announced the search for ordinary citizens to participate in space shuttle flight and the citizens it is a teacher. Frank is an ordinary citizen and a teacher. That day he also sent a cover letter to Washington. Every day she looked in the mailbox, until finally an official envelope bearing the NASA came. Fulfilled his prayer! He escaped the first allowance. Over the next few weeks, the realization of his dream is getting closer. Frank received a call to attend a special astronaut training program at the Kennedy Space Center. Of the 43,000 applicants, then 10,000 people, and now he became part of the 100 people who gathered for the final assessment. Who among us could pass this final exam? Lord, let me be me! Then came the news that destroyed it. NASA chose a female teacher to fly with the shuttle. His life's dream destroyed. He was depressed. His self-confidence disappears, and anger replaces happiness. Tuesday, January 28, 1986, Frank went to see the launch Challanger. When the aircraft had passed the tower of the runway, he challenged his dream one last time. "God, I'm willing to do anything to be in the plane. Why not me?" Salazak prayer. Seventy-three seconds later, God answered all questions and remove all doubts as Challanger exploded, killing all passengers.


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