How is your life, get along..???? ~ theater of dreams

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How is your life, get along..????

You already know, the movie Avatar in terms of income is the most successful films of all time sales, U.S. $ 1.841 billion (Rp 18 trillion) within six weeks. Film animation CGI (Computer generated imagery), this best-selling record in history to defeat the invincible during the 13 years that the movie Titanic. Remarkably both the Titanic and Avatar both are the work of James Cameron. This means that managed to beat the record of James Cammeron during the teenage years is James Cameron himself.
The film was the American rule sebelam few weeks.
But after a while being dipuncak, weekly sales of the film is ultimately shifted as well. Know what movie that managed to shift the weekly income Avatar?
It was the movie My Name is Khan.
This film managed to dominate the top in America and Britain for some time.
Of course, since this movie was phenomenal.
Indeed the film is not not very entertaining as the Three Idiot but the message contained in it was very deep, and the mission that brought the film is really great and noble (There is a debate which is better between the Three Idiot or My Name is Khan).
Perhaps no other film that has this big mission for world peace and inter-religious harmony.
More and more people are watching and inspired this film, the re-created inter-religious harmony in the world.
There are words that are very interesting from this film:
The world was divided between BC (Before Christ) or BCE (BC) and AD (Anno Domini - AD), but the world is now divided into before 9 / 11 and after 9 / 11. Since the incidence of terrorist attacks on the WTC on 9 / 11 world is not the same anymore.
Suspicion, hatred and prejudice to haunt the world, and Khan is one of the victims.
Khan was the son born to Muslim families in India.
Khan grew when there were riots between Hindus and Muslims in India. At that time, thousands of Indian Muslims were slaughtered and some of course do resistance, which also took the lives of the Hindus.
To generate compassion among humans, the Khan who auitis mother thrusting two images. One picture a man hitting another person and one person who gave candy to others. Khan said that the good is that giving candy and evil is a hit with wood.
Then her mother asked. Which is where the Hindu Muslim?
Khan could not see the difference between them.
The mother told me, that's human. What distinguishes good people are good and bad deeds.
Since then Khan always wanted to be a good person.
As we know, most people with autism have particular strengths in one area. Einstain maybe one of them, and Khan also another example.
Khan has the expertise fix anything, so that all knew him as an expert repair of all equipment.
Long story short Khan eventually migrated to America, following a successful younger brother there. Many of the problems they experienced while in America he is a person with autism especially. But the match did not go. Khan eventually found a woman who eventually falls in love with her. A young widow of Indian descent who has a son named Shameer. They eventually married.
These ladies are Hindus so that interfaith marriage is strongly opposed his brother.
But the two lovebirds eventually get married too, and his wife with his son to use Khan's clan name, which is a family clan of Muslims in India.
Then it happened that surprising.
WTC twin building was hit by a terrorist group that killed thousands of lives.
(I agree to use the word 'terrorist' for perpetrators of 9 / 11 because whoever is the perpetrator, for whatever reason, there is absolutely no justification in religion. Action was anyone who did it has made the Islamic da'wah movements and inter-religious harmony back several years.)
Genesis 9 / 11 turned out to also affect the life of Khan.
And the worst is, these events are not directly make Shameer Khan, who now bears the name of Muslims became victims of fatal violence.
Khan's wife was devastated and eventually blame Khan.
The wife felt that if only Shameer not use the name of Islam may not be a victim.
The wife swore Khan would not meet until he can deliver messages directly to the American president that he (Khan) is not a terrorist, 

Khan finally left his wife with only one mission,
meet directly with the American president and said;
"My Name is Khan. And I'm not a terrorist!"
This is where the real core of this story begins. Travel around the American search for an autistic timetable that the president certainly is not easy. Events for preristiwa experienced.
And the events that we will learn a lot about tolerance, harmony, mutual mengharagai and love are universal.
Almost all sides were caught in this story.
There is a scene they experienced discrimination
There are cases of Muslim women who opened the hijab since 9 / 11.
There are examples of hard-line Muslims who pro teroisme.
There are also Christians who welcome the presence of Khan in the church.
There is a group of Muslims who work together to help the Christians who experienced the disaster.
Anyway, lots of touching scenes that made us think how important harmony and mutual respect for one another. This film will provide a very valuable lesson about the importance of tolerance and harmony.
There are drawbacks?
When I saw some comments some of his fellow Muslims on facebook, I see many Muslims who are disappointed with the decision Khan married a Hindu woman in the story. But I think actually there is the red thread of this story? Because this is fiction, fine. Without this inter-religious marriages will not be strong this story.
I did not say what was done according to Islamic Khan, but I want to say is as long as we can learn from someone, take a lesson as much as possible. If there is that we do not like, so do not be imitated.
One might make a mistake but that does not mean everything else go wrong did so.
If there are other shortcomings, acting actor Shahrukh Khan as autism, of course, a direct comparison with Tom Hanks in Forest Gum which won the Oscar, and it is definitely hard to match the acting of Tom Hanks who has won two oscar.
What do you think that already watch it? Despite all the controversial film is very inspiring for anyone who witnessed it.
It seems that this film is a form of protest that Khan also personally been detained at the airport in the United States during a visit to the land of Uncle Sam.
Some say that the basis for detention become Muslim.
Indian public protests because it considers the incident did not appreciate America a respected figure in India.


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