Magic Mirror ~ theater of dreams

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Magic Mirror

Once in a middle of nowhere, there lived a wealthy wise grandfather. He is known sacred because it has a magic mirror that can solve many economic problems.

One day there came a businessman who had just broke from usahanya.Ia very frustrating, especially once abundant wealth that is now so swollen debt. Employers are coming to the grandfather and hope to see a mirror ajaibnya. Konon those who see this magic glass will again become rich. 

 "Grandpa, let me see the magic mirror, so that I can bounce back," she begged. "But there are conditions, you should follow the introduction of science first," replied the grandfather. Long story short end of the entrepreneurs studied in the grandfather. They discuss all the business issues faced by the entrepreneur. During the discussion for days, one by one starting problem solved. From this meeting the employers begin to find new ways to raise capital, he had a new vision about his business, he knows how to repay its debt with new strategies. The point is that entrepreneurs have gotten a new passion and vision to build his business. 

 "Well, it seems you're ready to see my magic glass," cried the old man at the end of the meeting. "Both Grandpa, thank you for guidance," said the businessman was passionate enthusiasm. Then they entered a special spatial always locked. The room was white, empty and there was virtually no nothing. There is only one corner glass wrapped in white cloth. Then his grandfather, holding a glass cloth is ready to open. Before opening the cover, the snicker that says: "Do not be surprised, you just ask that you see on the glass, if he can help. If he could say, then the problem you're done. " "Well, Grandpa!" said the young man impatiently, her heart the passionate wish to meet with his salvation. One ... two .. three .... Tadaaa ... cried the old man held up a cloth while behaving like a magician who had just offered magic.  

Finally the glass was open. The young man was surprised to see the figure in the glass. Yes, that magical glass mirror is nothing but ordinary. And it is seen by entrepreneurs themselves. "Yes, that's penolongmu now," said the grandfather. Please ask yourself, please ask yourself, are you ready to help dirimu.Karena all your problems will only be completed if you want to help themselves and realize it all depends on your own. With all the new study, with all the spirit of the newly acquired, employers finally realize now the future is its own hands. He does not need a magic glass to make it happen.

Wisdom: That's our life. When we face the problem, when we face obstacles, then self sendirlah should be the main pedestal for bangkit.Kalau someone helps Alhamdulillah, if there is help ya thanks, but still ultimately self hopes so. People might be able to give help to us, people can refuse to help us, but as long as we still want to help ourselves, we can still rise. Do not give up on yourself! 

Do you have a mirror at home? Means you have a magic glass. If there is a problem, look in the mirror and say "I'M GOING TO DO ABOUT" Look at the mirror and figure it is YOUR SOLUTION to all problems. You are the answer, because God has given all that we need to rise. No Excuse!


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