scenario format ~ theater of dreams

Sunday, February 27, 2011

scenario format

To simplify the writing, you are advised to use computers and software at least Microsoft Word (Windows OS).
Broadly speaking, a scenario script consists of the title page and contents of the scenario itself. Changes the title of a scenario consists of 1 page, consisting of the title element scenario, a brief description of the scenario, screenwriters name, episode number, year / time of workmanship, and footnotes - footnotes containing information and page number revised manuscript. The title of a screenplay written with large bold letters to attract the attention of the reader. distance between elements consist of:

- distance slugline with cast elements: 1 space
- The distance cast with action elements: 2 spaces
- distance of elements of character - parenthetical - the dialogue: 1 space
- distance of elements of action with elements of character: 2 spaces
- distance of the action elements and transition elements: 2 spaces

Standard letters used to write a screenplay is the kind of size 12 point Courier New. The size of the upper right margin, the upper limit and lower limit is determined about 1 inch. while the left margin of about 1 inch (standard typing with software microsoft word). while the pages of the contents of a scenario consists of page numbers, elements of the scenario, scene number (required to be written for easy reading and search), and the use of standard letters


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